Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Back in the Blog

I've decided that I have some of the best friends in the world! Even those of you who may not know all of what's going on in my life right now, I am thankful for your constant love. I know you will always be there and that comforts my heart.
Lately, I've had a lot of time to think... about life; about love; about God; about family. Some may never know the tragedies or the conquering's of my past, but every instance and every breath has made me in to who I am today. Now the person that I am today will change tomorrow or the day after and I will always be growing. Growing is not always easy, but I will put what little hope I can muster and throw myself in the arms of my Savior and in the ones who encourage me and push me in to that grace. Whether I cast myself in to those arms tomorrow or the day after I do not know. But, I thank you for being patient with my stubborn heart. If you are my friend, you've blessed me more than you can know.


Anonymous said...

ADORE YOU! you are my heart, and I adore you.
love, mrs peabody

Leilani said...

I love you very much Whan, miss you too. My thoughts and prayers with you.

marjean brooks said...

You know I will always love and cherish you. You are a gift of God to me. Glad you are writing again on your blog.